If you finish this quest, you will be rewarded with jewels and valuables of a lifetime and will aid in your character leveling materials which are quite tough to collect in the Genshin region. If you want to have the fun of the whole Genshin Impact Region, the priest, princess, and scribe box quest is everything you were looking for. It needs to unlock the three boxes, and complete the tasks. According to a walkthrough that was quite helpful, there are apparently 79 Crimson Agates hidden in Genshin Impact that may be collected and used to feed the Frostbearing tree.How To Open The Secret Room Gate In Genshin Impact It has been discovered in Genshin Impact that there are 79 pieces of the Crimson Agate. Here’s how you may collect every crimson agate in Genshin Impact. Finding all of them can be a challenge, but the benefits that come from doing so are one of a kind. There is a total of 120 crimson stones here. Located Within The City That Has Been Entombed The entrance to this hidden room gate may be found in close proximity to the Dragonspine teleportation point. When exploring the new Dragonspine location in Genshin Impact, players have the opportunity to locate more than 50 Crimson Agates hidden around the area. Players who do not have a supply of Cecilia can either find a large amount of them on Starsnatch Cliff or purchase them from Flora in Mondstadt City. The vast majority of gamers who venture into Dragonspine should already have a stockpile of the flower at their disposal.

To be more specific, players will be required to position Cecilia Flowers at the memorial. In order to open the chest that houses the last box, known as the Scribe Box, the player will have to position some recently picked flowers in front of it. A Stone Monument can be found in the neighbourhood to the north-northwest. In Genshin Impact, the Scribe Box may be found by making a direct southward dash to the Teleport Waypoint just outside of Starglow Cavern and travelling at the accelerated speed. However, due to the fact that it is the most time-consuming path to achieve its destination, the players will need to be on the lookout for Sheer Cold. It is not necessary for players to defeat enemies or have any certain goods in order to acquire it. The Priest Box is the one that can be obtained the quickest and most easily out of the three in Genshin Impact. The Priest Box is located in the chest that is located on top. Make use of them to generate a wind current, then ride it to the top of the destroyed tower that is approximately 10 feet distant. To find the Anemo fairies, take the steps that lead off this route and into the area close to the little ruins. The second chest, known as the Priest Box, may be found a little distance away from the Dragonspine road on the mountain’s northwest side. This may require the player to re-engage in the battle more than once before they are able to obtain the Princess Box. The Cryo Mages prove to be the most challenging because, between the water that surrounds the island and the Hydro Abyss Mage, it is highly likely that the player will be frozen more than once before successfully completing the challenge. The players will have one minute to eliminate two ice abyss mages and one water abyss mage.

This challenge has the potential to be especially challenging.

To finish the challenge, the player must vanquish the Abyss Mages within the allotted time, at which point a chest will appear and contain the Princess Box. Genshin Impact requires you to fly to this island and touch the sword in order to complete a challenge that is vital for earning the Princess Box. After passing the Frostbearing Tree, you will come to a body of water that contains an island in the midst of it. The location of the Princess Box used by Genshin Impact may be found on the north-eastern edge of Dragonspine.
Read Also: Genshin Impact Redeem Centre How To Get Priest, Princess, & Scribe Box in Genshin Impact The Princess Box Location The following instructions will walk Genshin Impact fans through the process of acquiring the three items that are concealed throughout Dragonspine. The player needs to locate three things known as the Priest, Princess, and Scribe boxes in order to open a locked door in the new Dragonspine location in Genshin Impact.